How to Remember More of What You Read
How often have you read a
book from start to finish, only to discover that you haven't retained very much
of the information it contained? This can happen with any type of book:
literature, textbooks, or just-for-fun books can all contain information you really
want or need to remember.
There is good news. You
can remember the important facts of a book by following a simple
Book that is interesting or required reading
Colored sticky-note flags (small)
Pencil with eraser (optional)
Note cards
1. Have
sticky notes and a pencil on hand as you read. Try
to get in the habit of keeping supplies on hand for this active reading technique.
2. Stay
alert for important or pivotal information. Learn to identify
meaningful statements in your book. These are often statements that sum up a
list, trend, or development in an assigned reading. In a piece of literature,
this may be a statement that foreshadows an important event or a particularly
beautiful use of language. After a little practice, these will start to jump
out at you.
3. Mark
each important statement with a sticky flag. Place the flag in
position to indicate the beginning of the statement. For instance, the sticky
part of the flag can be used to underline the first word. The "tail"
of the flag should stick out from the pages and show when the book is closed.
4. Continue
to mark passages throughout the book. Don't worry about
ending up with too many flags.
5. If you
own the book follow up with a pencil. You may want to use
a very light pencil mark to underline certain words that you want to remember.
This is helpful if you find that there are several important points on one
6. Once you
have finished reading, go back to your flags. Re-read each
passage that you have marked. You'll find that you can do this in a matter of
7. Make
notes on a note card. Keep track of all your readings by creating a collection
of note cards. These can be valuable at test time.
8. Erase
the pencil marks. Be sure to clean up your book and remove any pencil marks.
It's O.K. to leave the sticky flags in. You may need them at finals time!
1. In the
course of reading a book, you may come across several noteworthy statements in
each chapter or a single thesis statement in each chapter. It depends on the
2. Avoid using a
highlighter on a book. They are great for class notes, but they
destroy the value of a book.
3. Only
use a pencil on books you own. Don't mark library books.
4. Don't
forget to use this method when reading literature from your college reading list.
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